cedis Premium Hearing Aid Battery, size 675 Packaging unit: 10 blister packs with 6 batteries each

- proven, reliable product quality "Made in Germany"
- produced in the world’s largest and state-of-the-art production plant for hearing aid batteries
- cedis as quality promise with brand recognition
- available in sizes 10, 312, 13, 675
- color and number coding easy to understand
- visible seal of quality
- useful, simple and safe handling
- high capacity, long life
- excellent efficiency even at vaying climatic conditions
- corrosion-free due to stainless steel casing
- usage of environmentally sound materials with recyclability
- mercury-free technology
- wireless approved – supports high energy demand of wireless technology in modern hearing systems
Tension: 1,45V
Color code: blue
Capacity (battery): 650 mAh
Size: 675
* not discountable item
REF: 78260
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